fix "Cannot Redeclare wp_get_attachment_thumb_file()" in WordPress

Resolving “Cannot Redeclare wp_get_attachment_thumb_file()” in WordPress

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By Ayub Ansary

The “Cannot Redeclare wp_get_attachment_thumb_file()” error in WordPress typically occurs when the function has been declared more than once, which can happen due to conflicts with themes, plugins, or custom code. Resolving it involves identifying and removing the duplicate declaration.

Identifying the Source of the Error

Understanding Error Messages: When WordPress outputs the “Cannot Redeclare” error, it indicates that the function wp_get_attachment_thumb_file() has been defined more than once. This function is responsible for fetching the thumbnail file path for an attachment, which is crucial in media management.

Steps to Identify the Conflict:

  1. Check for Recent Changes: If the error appeared after updating a theme, plugin, or adding custom code, this is likely the source.
  2. Error Log Analysis: Enable WP_DEBUG and check the error logs. This will pinpoint the file causing the issue.

Resolving Plugin Conflicts

Deactivating Plugins:

  1. Disable All Plugins: Temporarily deactivate all plugins from the WordPress admin panel.
  2. Reactivate One by One: Reactivate plugins one at a time, checking the site after each to identify the culprit.

Update or Replace Plugins:

  • Seek Updates: Ensure all plugins are updated as updates may contain fixes for such errors.
  • Alternative Plugins: If updating doesn’t resolve the issue, consider using alternative plugins.

Plugin Health and Statistics: According to, plugin conflicts are among the top reasons for WordPress errors. Regular updates and reviews can prevent approximately 70% of potential conflicts that lead to errors like these.

Managing Theme Issues

Switching Themes:

  1. Activate a Default Theme: Temporarily switch to a WordPress default theme (e.g., Twenty Twenty-One).
  2. Check for Error Resolution: If the error resolves, the problem lies within your original theme.

Contact Theme Developers:

  • Developer Support: Reach out to the theme’s developer for support or updates. Developers often release patches for such issues.

Reviewing and Correcting Custom Code

Audit Custom Code:

  • Check functions.php: Look specifically in the theme’s functions.php file or in a site-specific plugin.
  • Remove Redundant Declarations: If wp_get_attachment_thumb_file() is declared, remove or refactor the code.

Best Practices for Custom Code:

  • Use Child Themes: Make modifications in child themes to avoid conflicts and issues during updates.
  • Follow WordPress Coding Standards: Adhering to WordPress coding standards helps avoid many common errors.

Debugging Tools and Techniques

Enabling WordPress Debugging: Add the following lines to your wp-config.php:

phpCopy codedefine('WP_DEBUG', true);
define('WP_DEBUG_LOG', true);
define('WP_DEBUG_DISPLAY', false);

This setup helps in logging errors without exposing them to visitors.

Use of Debugging Plugins:

  • Query Monitor: This plugin allows monitoring of database queries, PHP errors, hooks and actions, block editor blocks, enqueued scripts and stylesheets, and more. It’s a comprehensive tool for diagnosing WordPress issues.

Maintenance and Prevention Strategies

Regular Updates

  • Core, Themes, and Plugins: Keeping WordPress core, themes, and plugins updated is crucial for security and stability.

Use Quality Hosting Providers

  • Managed WordPress Hosting: Providers like WP Engine and Kinsta offer environments specifically optimized for WordPress, which can reduce the likelihood of such errors.

Regular Backups

  • Backup Solutions: Tools like UpdraftPlus or VaultPress can schedule and manage backups, ensuring you have a recent copy of your site to restore if anything goes wrong.

In resolving the “Cannot Redeclare wp_get_attachment_thumb_file()” error, thorough investigation, and systematic troubleshooting are key. By maintaining a healthy WordPress environment with regular updates, monitoring, and adhering to best practices, you can minimize the occurrence of such issues and ensure a stable, efficient site operation.

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